(These codes have been zipped with WinZip®.
You must unzip them and move them to your current working MATLAB directory in order to use them.)
- Codes for Matlab version 6.0 (current version)
Codes for Matlab version 5.1
- name: sysodeNR.m
- function: input ODE solver parameters
- function: define initial conditions
- function: Implements either the Classical 4rth order Runge-Kutta Method or the Euler Method
- function: Implements iterative Non-linear rootfinding technique at each RK4 or Euler Step
- function: Plots results
- function: Prints tabular results to data file
- name: sysodeNRinput.m (a sample input file)
- function: input physical system parameters
- function: input function form of ordinary differential equation to be solved
- name: guess310.m
- function: a set of RK4 parameters and initial conditions for the sample input file