Myvizhi Esai Selvan
August 4, 2010

Myvishi Esai Selvan was a PhD student in the UT Computational Materials Research Group.
While she won't graduate with her PhD until December, 2010, we celebrated her achievements today as well,
since Dr. Keffer will be at Yonsei University for the next year. Also present is UT CMRG alumnus, Johanna Santiago.

Myvizhi received the traditional UT CMRG going away gift, a t-shirt with some of her modeling work on it.
In this case, there are structures of bulk water, concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions,
water in carbon nanotubes and water in hydrated proton exchange membranes. Studying these four systems allowed
My to decouple the effects of acidity and confinement on water and proton transport.