The STAIR Program at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville organized and staffed a booth
at the Earth Day Festival in Oak Ridge, TN on Saturday, April 24, 2010.
The booth was in collaboration with the American Museum of Science and Energy (AMSE).
The activity was organized by Prof. Claudia Rawn of the Materials Science and Engineering Department at UT.
The students passed out flyers with copies of their posters that were on exhibit at AMSE for the month of April.
They handed out STAIR reusable bags made of environmentally friendly bamboo.
They discussed their research activities with visitors to the table.
From left to right,
Eagan Rawn, Jeff Bunn, Shawn Buckley and Rosemary Le.

Jeff (Civil & Environmental Engineering), Shawn (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)
and Rosemary (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) are ready for action.

Michelle Everett (Material Science and Engineering) tells Earth Day visitors about STAIR.

Rosemary shares her thoughts on the promise of biological production of Hydrogen.

The kids just want a bamboo STAIR bag.