The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville
was represented by 6 students
at the 2010 Southern Regional AIChE Meeting hosted by NC State. The students included
from right to left,
Michael Bright,
Geoffery Sanders,
Jeremy Brooksbank,
Lauren Johnson,
Matthew Melton,
Kevin Pittman.

Lauren presented in the poster competition some of the research on hydrogen production via biological pathways
done in collaboration with Prof. Frymier and Prof. Bruce (BCMB).

Jeremy, Matt, Geoff, Kevin and Michael formed the Chem-E-Car team with their vehicle, "The Power T".
Also present was Dr. David Keffer (Chapter Advisor and Chem-E-Car Advisor).

Jeremy, Michael and Kevin get the Chem-E-Car ready.

Michael, Geoff and Kevin get advice from their team mates. The car placed fourth out of 14,
which was good enough to qualify for the National Competition in Salt Lake City in November.
Hope to see old and new friends at the 2011 Southern Regional AIChE meeting at Georgia Tech next year!