EURēCA Awards Ceremony
Knoxville, TN, May 7, 2024
There were a good number of posters presented by students in the Materials Science & Engineering Department at the EURēCA Poster Competition on April 23, 2024. Many of them are shown here. Five Posters from the MSE Community received awards.

- Design Category: Second Place - Team Shiloh, mentored by Prof. Mariya Zhuravleva
from left to right:
- Emmaline Howard
- Bethany Claes
- Sydney Johnson
- Jacob Vicars
- Alicia Zahnen (not pictured)
- Research Category:
- Emmaline Howard - Award of Merit - mentored by Prof. David Harper
- Bethany Claes - Award of Merit - mentored by Prof. Mariya Zhuravleva & Prof. Chuck Melcher
- Megan Gillespie (far right) - Award of Merit - mentored by Prof. Mariya Zhuravleva & Prof. Chuck Melcher
- Jakob Scroggins (second to right) - Second Place - mentored by Prof. David Harper
For those who followed the friendly research rivalry between the Center for Renewable Carbon (CRC) & the Scintillation Materials Research Center (SMRC), we were tied at four posters apiece presented at EURēCA. We noted then that perhaps the awards ceremony would provide the tie breaker. Here is how the awards fell:
- SMRC: two research awards (Bethany & Megan) + one member on the design team (Bethany)
- CRC: two research awards (Emma & Jakob) + one member on the design team (Emma)
So EURēCA fittingly ends in a tie between these two undergraduate research heavyweights at the University of Tennessee. We look forward to resuming the competition at EURēCA next year!
Congratulations to these amazing young researchers!
More photos on the Keffer research group site.