Prof. David Harper named Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year
Knoxville, TN, May 1, 2024
Professor David Harper in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA) was recognized as the 2024 University of Tennessee Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year. Dr. Harper has a joint appointment in the Materials Science & Engineering Department. At the Center for Renewable Carbon (CRC) on the UTIA campus, he regularly mentors MSE graduate students and undergraduate researchers as well as occasionally teaches a class. More information on his award is here.

Prof. Harper receives his award from Provost John Zomchick at the Provost's Awards Banquet.
Dr. Harper has positively impacted many of the undergraduate students, including
Congratulations, Dr. Harper, on this well-deserved recognition.
More photos on the Keffer research group site.