Members of the UTK MSE Multiscale Materials Modeling Community held a meeting for synergistic nutritional, social and research support at the Joint Institute for Advanced Materials.

UTK MSE Professors Haixuan Xu, Yanfei Gao & David Keffer convened the first of what are intended to be monthly meetings.

There was pretty good attendance. More than two dozen folks showed up, including a couple computationally minded graduate students from the groups of MSE Professors Claudia Rawn & Takeshi Egami.

After watching the mandatory safety/instructional video for the game, Throw Throw Burrito, we sat down to try our luck.

There were several copies of the game on hand, so we set up a tournament with simultaneous tables.

Prof. Gao took the opportunity to have a group photo. By chance, this was the last day of a year-long stay by visiting scholar, Junxia Wen (center), so this served as her farewell party!

Prof. Keffer disturbed their poses with a wayward burrito.

Round two.

The grad students declared the pizza okay.

There were several burrito duels, some more heated than others.

Prof. Keffer instructed his students to provide cover during his duel with Prof. Xu, but they weren't up to the task and Prof. Xu emerged victorious.

The records indicate that Prof. Gao achieved the high score (15), but since he had to depart early, the championship duel fell to two accomplished burrito-armed combatants, Ziang Yu and Dayton Kizzire.

After a heated battle, there could be only one champion hoisting high the (3d-printed) trophy. Congratulations, Ziang Yu!
We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on a Tuesday afternoon to be determined in November.
More photos on the Keffer research group site.