Chemical Engineering Party
June 9, 2007

The 2007 edition of the spring party of the UT Computational Materials Research Group was delayed somewhat due
to travel in May. Nevertheless, when it happened, Mohamad Kassaee was the guest of honor, having successfully
defended his MS and headed for a PhD at Georgia Tech. Joseph gives him a high-five to celebrate the accomplishment.

Mohamad unwraps the parting gift. Whatever could it be?

A t-shirt with a schematic of 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene on the front of course. (Mohamad laughs because he is
currently revising the naphthalene derivative manuscript based on the comments for "minor revision" in the 44 pages of reviews that we received.)

On the back, a picture from his defense with his co-advisors, Bill Steele and David Keffer.

Everyone wished Mohamad well.

Ruth was impressed by the shirt.

Assembled for this party were (from left to right) Elynn An, Echo Jiang, Carrie Gao, An Ke, Johanna Santiago,
Myvizhi Esai Selvan, Joseph Rajkumar, Bangwu Jiang, Mohamad Kassaee, Jared Fern, and Mohamad's cousin, Hadi.
(in front), Ruth, David and Joseph Keffer.

Standing around in the front yard. Oh boy, does Dr. Keffer know how to throw a party!

Now things are getting really wild!

Joshua Jiang wakes up from his nap.

Jun Mo Kim arrives late, direct from his vacation at Disney World bearing
Star Wars-themed gifts for his co-advisor's children. Now there is a graduate student!

The Tsouris family attended as well--Iris smiles for the camera.

Joshua was checking out Joe's toys.

It was impossible to get them to look anywhere near the camera at the same time.

The camera loves Ruth.

Joe grabbed the camera and took this picture of Joshua.
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