April 15, 2006

Party at the Keffer household. Relaxing on the front porch on a beautiful spring day in
Knoxville: (from left to right) Sonya, Brian, and Carl Edwards,
Ruichang Xiong and Dr. Chunggi Baig.

We tried to get pictures of the four babies. We show several pictures here because in none of them
did all eight participants face the camera with their eyes open. From left to right:
David & son Joseph Keffer (age 11 1/2 months),
Echo (wife of Dr. Bangwu Jiang) & son Joshua Jiang (5 1/2 months),
Mei Hong (wife of Junwu Liu, Ph.D. student) holding Elynn An (6 months, daughter of Dr. Carrie Gao & Dr. Ke An),
and Qiu Xia (wife of Jiandong Zhou, Ph.D. student) & Xia Ning (16 months).

Another try.

By this point, everyone was through posing for the camera.

Lynn made kimchee jigae and the guests brought all kinds of delicious dumpling and steamed buns but Ruth opted for a hotdog.

Close up of Joe.

Chunggi got a shirt with a picture of him and his advisors from his defense. He promised never to wear it.

Joe is showing Joshua how to push a tricycle.

As always, there was a Mah Jong table. Jiang's father-in-law, cleaned house.

Jiang desperately tries to think up some way to bring his father-in-law's winning streak to an end. Dr. Keffer kept his cool and won the last game to spare the table from a sweep.
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