University of Tennessee
Department of Chemical Engineering

Sancy's Parade

On April 23, 1999, the entire community of the Chemical Engineering Department, including the undergraduate student body, the graduate student body, the faculty, and the staff, held a surprise parade for Sancy Hail, to thank her for 20-odd years of service to the department and for untold favors and countless pieces of advice.  The following pictures document the parade.

We secretly gathered on the floor below Sancy, making our preparations.

The air was thick with tension as each of us hoped our performance in the upcoming parade would meet Sancy's exacting standards.

We hooted "Hail to the Chief" on our kazoos as we barged into Sancy's office, and had Sancy don the parade leader's cap.

Rodney escorted Sancy through the campus grounds.

The parade stretched for miles behind them.

Miles and miles of some real eye-catching hats.

At the end of the parade, Sancy was crowned with a real golden paper crown.

The students gave Sancy a picture.

Everyone was in high spirits because, when Sancy gave her speech, she promised everyone A's.  Dr. Wang wore her lucky green Peter Pan cap.

Rob, Segun, and Chrysos were comparing hat fashion.

Dr. Prados was styling in the "spring straw" line.

From the look of consternation on his face, we guessed that Sjon-Paul was still angry about being refused a second helping on the baked beans.

(Later, Departmental Chair, Dr. Charlie Moore, retracted Sancy's retirement.
Instead, he promoted Sancy to Departmental Mom Emeritus.)

Thanks, Sancy!