University of Tennessee
Materials Science & Engineering Department

MSE @ EURēCA Poster Competition
Knoxville, TN, April 23, 2024

The Materials Science & Engineering Department was well represented at the 2024 Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement (EURēCA), an annual poster event and competition at the University of Tennessee.

We will kick-off our photo documentary of the event with the posters of our two MSE senior design teams. Team BWXT included Michael Broud, Jeremy Driver, Erin McKay & Kyle Pardue. They were advised by faculty mentor, Prof. Claudia Rawn.

Team Shiloh included Bethany Claes, Emma Howard, Sydney Johnson, Jacob Vicars & Alicia Zahnen. Bethany is not included in this photo because (as we will see shortly) she was busy doing double duty, presenting her individual research poster to a judge. They were advised by faculty mentor, Prof. Mariya Zhuravleva.

We move on to our amazing undergraduate researchers in our sophomore class. Jocelyn Hess presented research from her Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

MSE sophomore Daniel Leoni presented his application of machine learning to high entropy alloys as part of his work in the research group of Prof. Peter Liaw.

MSE sophomore Megan Gillespie presented her work performed in the Scintillation Materials Research Center (SMRC) at the University of Tennessee. Her faculty mentors included Prof. Mariya Zhuravleva & Prof. Chuck Melcher.

We now move on to our intrepid undergraduate researchers in the junior class. Meredith Harpel also performs research with Prof. Zhuravleva & Prof. Melcher. Two in a row for the SMRC!

MSE junior Jakob Scroggins (newly minted Goldwater scholar) presented his work, performed at the Center for Renewable Carbon (CRC), the Materials Science unit on the campus of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. Jakob is mentored by Prof. David Harper in the School of Natural Resources, who also holds a joint appointment in the MSE department. Chalk one up for the CRC!

We move onto the impressive undergraduate researchers in the MSE senior class. These three seniors not only presented their senior design poster but also an individual research poster. Bethany Claes conducted research with Prof. Zhuravleva & Prof. Melcher. Three points for the SMRC (not that any one is counting).


MSE senior Emmaline Howard presented her research, mentored by Prof. Harper. (Two for CRC.)

MSE senior Michael Broud presented work advised by three faculty mentors: Prof. David Keffer (MSE), Prof. Harper (CRC) & Prof. Madhu Dhar in the College of Veterinary Medicine. It seems that the tally might end in a tie, with three posters each from the SMRC and the CRC...

except for the fact that the SMRC is interdisciplinary and also has a poster from an undergraduate researcher majoring in nuclear engineering, James Pierce, mentored by Prof. Zhuravleva and Prof. Melcher. Does the day go to SMRC? Not so fast because...

the CRC is also interdisciplinary and has a poster from an undergraduate researcher majoring in mechanical engineering, John Greene, mentored by Prof. Harper. So we are tied again with four posters each from the the SMRC and the CRC. We'll have to wait until the EURēCA awards ceremony on May 2 to see if there are any potential tie breakers to this friendly undergraduate research rivalry.

Congratulations to all the MSE undergraduate researchers who showcased their work at EURēCA. The opportunity for all undergraduates to participate in the research process is the calling card of the UTK MSE department. You all have shown the great accomplishments that can be achieved.

More photos on the Keffer research group site.