University of Tennessee
Department of Materials Science & Engineering

MSE @ TCE Awards Night
Knoxville, TN, April 11, 2024

The Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee held a reception honoring staff, faculty and alumni of the college. Josh Dobbs—Vol for Life, Aerospace Engineering alum & the Passtronaut—kicked off the evening.

MSE departmental purchaser extraordinaire (and stargazer), Frank Holiway, received the "Commitment to Excellence" award.

Congratulations, Frank! We appreciate all you do for the department every day.

MSE assistant professor, Dr. Mahshid Ahmadi, received the Professional Promise in Research award. (Sadly, the photographer was too busy applauding and he forgot to take a photo.) Congratulations, Prof. Ahmadi!

The group staff award, the "Circle of Excellence Teamwork" award went to the TCE Advisors, including our own amazing advisor in MSE, Jake Working. Congratulations, Jake!

More photos on the Keffer research group site.