University of Tennessee Materials Science & Engineering Department |
MSE Community Lounge Potluck Knoxville, TN, March 26, 2024 |
The MSE Ambassadors hosted a Potluck Dinner for all members of the MSE Community in the Student Lounge in Ferris Hall. MSE Ambassador, Meredith Harpel, kicked things off with a rousing welcome. Undergraduate students gathered to sample the many, varied dishes brought to the event. Graduate students and faculty were also in attendance. For some the priority was sampling the culinary delights more than posing for photographs. The MSE student lounge has a certain ambiance, which arises from a combination of (1) student energy, (2) the window garden and... (3) the hum of the SLOPE 3-D printer in the background. (SLOPE = Service Learning & Outreach with 3D Printers by Engineers) Games followed the meal. Jakob was initiated into the arcane rites of Euchre. Elsewhere, MarioKart on the big screen. The students convinced Prof. Rawn to try her hand to MarioKart. You can tell by the expression on Dr. Chakoumakos' face, that Prof. Rawn dazzled those assembled with her display of driving acumen. More photos on the Keffer research group site. |