University of Tennessee
Materials Science & Engineering Department

MSE Field Day
Knoxville, TN, April 29, 2023

The Materials Science & Engineering Department held a Field Day open to all members of the MSE community.

The field day fell on a gorgeous spring day in Knoxville. Participants included undergraduate & graduate students, faculty, staff, family and friends of the MSE department.

There was cornhole.

There were a couple different croquet matches.

Prof. Keppens demonstrated a unique technique for the swinging the mallet.

The main event was a kickball game.

Please consider the photographs that follow a visual clinic of optimal form and polished kickball technique as demonstrated using the athletic prowess of engineers!

We all had a good time. Thanks to everyone who participated and who make the University of Tennessee Materials Science & Engineering Department a special community to call home.

More photos on the Keffer research group site.