University of Tennessee
Materials Science & Engineering Department

Dami Akamo Gives Seminar in MSE Cultural Tours Series
Knoxville, TN, February 3, 2023

Dami Akamo is a PhD student pursuing the Energy Science & Engineering degree at the University of Tennessee on the subject of the "Development and Characterization of Stable Salt Hydrate-based Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Applications". Along the way, Dami has received a Master's degree from the Materials Science & Engineering department. On Thursday, he gave the seminar in the MSE Cultural Tours series on his home country, Nigeria.

The title of his talk was "Nigeria: Good People, Great Nation".

Dami unpacked his wedding suit for the occasion.

The seminar audience appreciated Dami sharing his cultural heritage with us. Everyone enjoyed the Nigerian food at the reception, with several delicious dishes including jollof rice and pounded yam.

Dami with two members of his PhD dissertation committee, MSE professors Kate Page & David Keffer.

For the interested, here is a link to one of Dami's recent papers:
  • Akamo, D.O., Ijaola, A., George, T.T., Page, K., Keffer, D.J., Li, Y., Goswami, M., LaClair, T.J., Gluesenkamp, K., Rios, O., “Bibliometric review and recent advances in total scattering pair distribution function analysis: 21 years in retrospect”, European Journal of Materials 2022 pp. 1-35, doi: 10.1080/26889277.2022.2150897 (Open Access).

More photos on the Keffer research group site.