University of Tennessee
Materials Science & Engineering Department

Materials Science & Engineering Costume-Trivia Night
Knoxville, TN, October 26, 2022

Faculty, staff and students gathered on Wednesday evening for the second MSE Trivia-Costume night.

It was literally a colorful event.

MSE "The Professional" advisor, Jake Working, was the man in command of the night.

Ten teams participated, including one with the ever steady Prof. Lass at the helm.

The Scintillation Materials Research Center entered not one but two Crayola teams!

There were also a couple staff and faculty teams.

Of course, students teams made were best represented.

The lumberjacks carried on despite the absence of their faculty team member.

The award for best dessert went to Frank's wife, Debbie Holiway for her no-bake cookies.

Max Camp took home best individual costume.

The combined forces of the two SMRC teams took home best group costume.

Presenting the 2022 Champions of the UTK MSE Trivia Night!

They smashed the competition.

Thanks to all who participated! A special thanks to Bethany Claes for taking these photographs and to Jake Working and the MSE ambassadors for helping to make the University of Tennessee Department of Materials Science and Engineering a special community.

More photos on the Keffer research group site.