University of Tennessee Computational Materials Research Group |
A Puerto Rican Christmas on Rocky Top Knoxville, Tennessee, December 1, 2017 We attended a fund-raiser for the continuing recovery efforts from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico at the Knoxville Museum of Art. The invitation to the fund-raiser came from Ms. Valerie García-Negrón, a doctoral candidate in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at the University of Tennessee, and Eduardo Ponce, a doctoral candidate in the Computer Science & Engineering Department at UT. Both graduate students are natives of Puerto Rico. Here they are joined by Valerie's coadvisors and their spouses, David & Jessica Harper and David & Lynn Keffer. Five of the six co-authors of "Evaluation of Nano- and Mesoscale Structural Features in Carbon Composites through Hierarchical Decomposition of the Radial Distribution Function", accepted to the Journal of Applied Crystallography, November, 2017. Dr. Orlando Rios (center) is a staff scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and an adjunct professor in the MSE department at UT. Not pictured: co-author Akinola Oyedele. Valerie and three-quarters of her doctoral committee. Valerie and Eduardo with their friends, Jarilyn, a PhD student in Computer Science at West Virgina University, and Leroy, a Master student in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. |