UT Engineering Graduate Students at the Rifle Range I. .22 rifles
August 18, 2007

Prof. Keffer in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department at the University of Tennessee took some UT Engineering graduate students and post-docs out to the range. The students included
  • Myvizhi Esai Selvan, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Molecular Modeling of Reaction and Transport in Fuel Cells (advised by Keffer and Edwards)
  • Jun Mo Kim, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Molecular Modeling of Polymer Dynamics under Nonequilibrium Fields (advised by Edwards and Keffer)
  • Jared Fern, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Molecular Modeling of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium using Voronoi Tessellation (advised by Keffer and Steele)
  • Joseph Rajkumar, M.S., Chemical Engineering, Rigorous Algorithms for Nonequilibrium Molecular Modeling (advised by Edwards and Keffer)
  • Bangwu Jiang, post-doc, Chemical Engineering, Molecular Modeling of Reaction and Transport in Lubricants (advised by Keffer and Edwards)
  • Sangjoon Sohn, Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering (advised by George Pharr)
The degree of familiarity ranged from substantial (Jun Mo and Sangjoon had both served in the Korean Military) to none (My, Joseph and Jiang hadn't picked up a gun before.) They started out by shooting some .22 caliber rifles, which are a lot of fun. Soon they were knocking down old shotgun shells at fifty yards.