University of Tennessee
Department of Materials Science & Engineering

MSE 301 Course Website

Applied Statistics and Numerical Methods for Materials Scientists & Engineers
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
University of Tennessee at Knoxville

Library of MATLAB Codes
download *.zip file with all course codes: codes

I am a strong believer in learning by example, especially in programming. If you have an elementary program that shows the syntax for doing a job A and another elementary program that shows the syntax for doing a job B, then you have everything you need to know to write a program to do both A and B. That is the philosophy behind providing these codes, rather than making you write them from scratch. I have written some basic subroutines (MATLABŪ *.m files) and I expect you to use this library of subroutines to accomplish tasks more complicated than those explicitly done in the subroutines themselves.

Given the rapid rate at which new programs, software, and hardware are being developed, it is often the case that no manual or instruction exists. What one has to rely on is a few paltry examples posted on the web by other hardy souls braving the perils of novel and untested systems.

So, this course encourages you to use the examples available and requires you to be able to read, understand, and modify the code to suit your own purpose.

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